Saturday, April 17, 2010

Parameters of Layout Check while Designing a PCB : 1 [ Layout Scale ]

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The layout of a PCB has to incorporate all the information on the board before one can go on to the artwork preparation. Layout check is a concept which clearly defines all the details of the circuit & partly also of final equipment. It is a prerequisite before the actual layout can start.
For a design engineer the parameters to be considered for planning the layout of a circuit includes layout scale, grid system, board types, circuit diagram, component list, layout sketch, artwork preparation, component mounting, layout check, resistance, inductance, and capacitance. Let us see how we can implement this parameters effectively while designing a PCB layout. A series of post will cover every single topic mentioned above.

< Layout scale >
Depending on the accuracy required, artwork should be produced at a 1:1 or 2:1 or even 4:1 scale. The layout is best when prepared on the same scale as artwork. 

If you didn't understand what this means, then consider an example. Suppose your desktop wallpaper's resolution is  1024 x 768. And let us say this resolution signifies a normal ie; 1:1 scale for your desktop. But at the same time you can also zoom the wallpaper to say 1600 x 1200 representing a 2:1 scale. Thus this scale represents nothing but a zoomed version of your artwork.

layout scale

A 2:1 artwork has 4x actual PCB area and a 4:1 artwork has 16x the PCB area. Normally a 1:1 scale is considered while transferring the artwork on the PCB.

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