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Friday, December 16, 2011

The 5 Most Innovative USB's You Will like to Own.

Right from its inception in the mid 1990s, the 3 inch long device popularly known as USB or Universal Serial Bus has gain wide acceptance, on the context of its usability, data reliability and most importantly portability. Seven giants IBM, Intel,Compaq,...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Get Inspired: Opportunity... written by Berton Braley

     With doubt and dismay you are smitten         You think there's no chance for you, son?     Why, the best books haven't been written        ...

Friday, May 13, 2011

The 4 Most Easiest Ways To Have An Impressive Avatar.

Are you bored of your profile pic? Do you spend most of your time searching net to find an avatar that defines you? Then you will be soon breaking your habit, as I'm gonna tell you the 4 simple ways to edit your photo and form a splendid avatar. Let...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Understanding The Mysterious World Of Memristor

    << Fig shows the concept of HP's memristor circuit a mesh of perpendicular wires known as crossbar arrays; in which memristors are sandwiched between the crossing points.  You may think what is so special about Memristor?Hmm......

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Autonomous Power Efficient Microchips Generating Its Own Power.

          Solar cell generated within the layers of microchip Power management and reduction of area required in a microchip are the two most important fields researchers are working upon. Autonomous chips...

Friday, June 18, 2010

10 Best Motivational Songs to Make You Roar.

So many times, it happens too fast, you change your passion for glory. Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past.You must fight just to keep them alive. A collection of 10 best motivational songs which will drive you, motivate you and make you...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Changing Trends In Nanocircuits

Nanocircuits can be explained as a simple electrical circuit, at a dimension such that the quantum mechanical effects become important to be considered.  It's size ranges within 10-9 meters. The concept of nanocircuits arose when Intel's co-founder...